Friday 26 October 2012

Sunday 21 March 2010

Hello! :) Im new writer for this wonderful blog, I hope you will enjoy in my posts! :D

Here are some Rosalie Cullen Look-a-like pictures, with my other account Belive_rock because Im roleplaying as Rosalie there :D

(click on picture to enlarge)

What do you think about them?


Guys we got a new Auther
Hopefully shel have some awsome stardoll look a like and fashion tips for us!

The New Look a like

Heya girls and guys,
I promised to show myself but when I was looking at other medolls I saw a look a like I just loved!
MissKatty1777:Avril Lavigne

and me
Jakerocks: Jane from Twilight


Heya I am Jakerocks from stardoll!
I am a look a like and I am looking for more!
U a look a like for someone write in Jakerocks Guestbook saying who ur a look a like for
And if from movie tell movie name.
So I am a look a like whop for u may ask?
Well I am Jane from Twilight Il post a pic of me later , or save time check out user Jakerocks. The outfit is EVERYTHING! well not everything but if you are a look a like for a goth u dont dress girly. In Twilight Jane wears a black hood so I used the hood from stardoll achive with black leggings and a black top. Add a hairstyle makeup jewlry ( If needed) and then BANG jane look a like or any look a like done!